[video] Mission critical networks: Interview with Vincenzo Luciano Lucrezia, Technical Director

4 November 2016

Why is a successful brand? Vincenzo Luciano Lucrezia, Tiesse Technical Director will explain the characteristics of the routers and M2M.

Tiesse is an Italian company that designs and produces routers to provide connectivity to big players. Especially for mission critical networks, which do not allow “down”. Why is a successful brand? Vincenzo Luciano Lucrezia, Tiesse Technical Director will explain the characteristics of the routers and M2M.e.

Key4Biz: “Tiesse is a small jewel of Italian industry, which is in Ivrea, in the heart of the Olivetti culture, at the foot of the Cozie Alps. For almost twenty years it has been designing and manufacturing routers that provide connectivity to large Italian brands distributing goods and services, many of which are mission critical, i.e. those networks that do not allow downtimes, large-scale distribution, utilities, manufacturing, public administration and companies operating under State monopoly concessions. Why is it a successful company? We discussed this with the technical director of Tiesse, Vincenzo Luciano Lucrezia, who explains the main features of the routers and “machine to machine” devices of the company.

Luciano Lucrezia, Tiesse: “Tiesse products are not addressed to the consumer market, but rather are addressed to and installed in so-called “mission critical” networks, where continuity of service and reliability are important. The products are designed, engineered and built to last over time and to survive technological developments. A mission critical network is a network that must never stop, by definition. For example, a network that carries the data of an electricity utility cannot have downtimes, a network that transports banking transactions is a mission critical network, a network on which gaming transactions transit, from the point of view of the users who play on it, is a mission critical network, high-speed networks are mission critical networks.

To do this, Tiesse focusses on its R&D. In our development we have seen all the network evolutions, in both the fixed as well as mobile sectors. In the fixed sector, we started with the old-switched networks, the old telephone lines, we went through ATM, ADSL and now are very active on VDSL and its evolutions, as well as on fibre optic connections, which are the basis for next-generation broadband connections. In the mobile sector, we started with GPRS connections in 2G and 3G and we are now at 4G or LTE, with which we have made numerous installations, especially in the field of Smart Grids, and now we are very attentive to 5G.

Quality of service is what makes the router or device able to recognise which are the sensitive packets and treat them with priority compared to the others. The other point is security, routers transmits data and do so in a secure, protected manner. Yet another is the VPN, Virtual Private Network, which means that the user has the possibility to access network services regardless of how the network is implemented. The hardware is designed to last. What characterises, according to our philosophy, a machine to machine object is that it is an object that must have all the network components and must provide the possibility to adapt it to the specific area of use. It must be easy to add specialised applications for that customer.

The factors contributing to the success of Tiesse are many, one of them is collaboration with universities, in particular the Polytechnic of Turin, with which we have frequent relations, both for projects that we develop jointly and because it is the main source of recruitment of young engineers. The other is the possibility to access the prestigious qualification and approval laboratories of the Telecom Operators, notably TiLab, the former Cselt, which was the flagship of Italian technology; we have a relationship with them that dates back to the beginning of our history and it is here that we submit our products to all the tests before they are released on the market. Another important point is the stimulus that comes from large accounts, for example Lottomatica.

We are aware that people are the backbone of the company and every day we try to ensure that work is a joy, not an ordeal”.

“Work should be a great joy but it is still for many an ordeal, ordeal of not having any, ordeal of doing a job that is of no use, is not conducive to a noble purpose.” – Adriano Olivetti