Sostenibilità in Tiesse

Tiesse places sustainability at the center of its priorities, committing to reducing the environmental impact of production and constantly researching environmentally responsible materials. The company stays true to its principles of transparency and concreteness, adopting initiatives that generate positive and tangible impacts for the community, the environment and people.


Sustainability at Tiesse

Tiesse is strongly committed to sustainability, vigorously addressing the challenge of reducing the environmental impact of production and constantly researching safer and more environmentally friendly materials. The company is committed to staying true to the principles of transparency and practicality through initiatives that bring tangible benefits to the community, the environment and people.

For years, Tiesse has used only recycled cardboard boxes and is migrating toward plastic-free packaging for all product lines.  It also promotes the use of environmentally friendly materials for printed circuit boards. Inspired by Olivetti's legacy, Tiesse adopts an ethical supply chain, carefully selecting components and ensuring their traceability.

In 2020, Tiesse launched the “1000 Trees in Italy” project to combat climate change, planting 1,000 trees in Calitri (Av), Irpinia. The project involves the planting of different species of broadleaf trees in three areas, with the supervision of expert agronomists and botanists to ensure their proper establishment, maintenance and preservation over time.


Environmental sustainability is a core value for Tiesse. We are proud to be ISO 14001 certified, confirming our commitment to environmental management. We constantly monitor our carbon footprint and adopt responsible business practices to reduce it, including:

  • Sourcing energy exclusively from certified renewable sources, contributing to environmental protection.
  • Use of recycled cardboard boxes and gradual migration to plastic-free packaging.
  • Adoption of environmentally friendly materials for the production of printed circuit boards,
  • Selection of an ethical supply chain, ensuring traceability of components.

Through these initiatives, we have reduced our emissions by more than 50 percent in the past three years, demonstrating a real commitment to combating climate change. In addition, we believe that the most powerful technology is trees, which is why we have been supporting projects to increase their numbers for years.


Icona riciclo ambientale
 Information for the correct disposal of packaging
Logo Erion - Italy's leading Extended Producer Responsibility System
 Tiesse is a member of Erion Consortium, Italy's leading consortium for the management of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment


It is the precise intention of Tiesse Management to identify and implement improvement strategies that enable the company to achieve the highest levels of competence and operational flexibility, while minimizing the risks related to the activities performed. In the light of experience gained and the indications arising from the new standards on quality and environment, the Management has defined strategic guidelines for achieving the objectives.
These guidelines respond to the need to ensure the continuous adjustment of the business offerings and structure while respecting and being consistent with the elements constituting the context in which the company operates.

Define corporate mission and market positioning:

  • Through continuous discussion and awareness of customers' needs;
  • by strengthening brand recognition through collaboration with opinion leaders and with communication and marketing actions;
  • by collaborating with research institutions and university hubs.

Ensure adequacy and quality of products through:

  • Investment in research and training to offer the Customer the best available technology;
  • verified quality of products for functionality, safety and traceability;
  • competitiveness;
  • monitoring of processes and risks/opportunities.

Ensure a suitable in-house IT infrastructure that is:   

  • Appropriate and efficient for the achievement of objectives;
  • secure from vulnerabilities and data loss;
  • documented, easily maintained and expandable.

Set up and maintain a goal-oriented organizational structure through:   

  • Clear identification of operational roles and responsibilities;
  • protection and constant increase of intellectual assets;
  • employee satisfaction and self-fulfillment;
  • dissemination of information within the facility;
  • promoting commitment to environmental protection and worker health and safety.

Ensure administrative, economic and financial soundness by:

  • Continuous control and monitoring actions on internal processes;
  • continuous control and monitoring actions on the supply chain;
  • implementation of transparent and collaborative relationships with external, financial, administrative and certifying bodies.

Ensure a commitment to the environmental sustainability of business processes through:

  • Continuous compliance with applicable environmental legislative requirements;
  • the prevention of pollution;
  • the continuous monitoring and improvement of environmental performance.

These guidelines give rise to specific objectives that are redefined and updated annually, during the Management Review.
To implement the Company Policy, the Quality and Environmental Management System has been defined and introduced.

It is the responsibility of the General Management to constantly ascertain the proper application of the system and to evaluate the results obtained by the company against the set objectives.

It is also the precise commitment of the General Management to disseminate within the company, and at all its levels, the principles set forth and to encourage in every way the continuous improvement of the system and the participation of employees in the improvement effort undertaken.

Ivrea (TO), 07/07/2021
The Chairman CDA
Dr. Fabrizia Montefiori  

In 2020, Tiesse promoted the planting of 1,000 trees in the municipality of Calitri, in the province of Avellino.

Just another way to restore environmental balance. And we, who have always been involved in innovation and technology, are doing it by bringing a forest to life, planting 1,000 broadleaf trees from certified nurseries in Calitri, Irpinia. The slogan of the project is very dear to us: trees are nature's first technology. And Tiesse wishes to give back, to calibrate the weight of each of us on planet earth. 

As of fall 2020, three areas have been upgraded with the planting of broadleaf trees thanks to Tiesse's joint work with expert agronomists and botanists who will also be able to ensure their maintenance and good preservation over time. 

The trees planted include 250 locust trees, 235 holm oaks, 150 tamarisks, 100 ash trees, 98 alders, 82 hornbeams, 50 limes and 35 maples.
«We are ready to create a forest in Canavese (an area in the north-west of the Piedmont region, where our main office is located) - says Ombretta Miraglio, marketing manager of the eporediese company - and listen to proposals on this topic from the territory». Planting new trees is not the only front of action of Tiesse, if anything it is the last in order exclusively temporal. «For years - explains Luciano Lucrezia, technical director of Tiesse - we use only cardboard boxes with recycled material and aim for packaging without plastic». 

Tiesse participated in the “Planting Trees, Collecting Books” initiative organized by OLI - Adriano Olivetti Leadership Institute.

On Saturday, April 9, 2022, the inauguration of the initiative was held and Tiesse donated 2 olive trees for the regeneration of the green spaces of the former Olivetti Social Services and Library buildings at 24 Via Jervis in Ivrea.

During the afternoon, in addition to the celebrations for the newly planted trees, a panel discussion was proposed on the topic of the social/emancipatory/therapeutic value of greenery from various points of view: in Adriano Olivetti's project, scientifically and through application examples and best practices.


TIESSE protects and promotes the value and development of human resources, also as an important factor of success for the company, so as to promote, on the basis of merit criteria, their full professional realization.

In the management of relationships involving the establishment of hierarchical relations, TIESSE requires that authority be exercised with fairness and correctness, prohibiting any behavior that could be considered detrimental to the dignity and autonomy of the employee.

All forms of discrimination, and in particular any discrimination based on race, nationality, sex, age, disability, sexual orientation, political or 4 labor union opinions, philosophical orientations, or religious beliefs toward any person inside and outside TIESSE must be avoided.

Sexual harassment or acts of physical or psychological violence are not tolerated. TIESSE is committed to protecting the moral integrity of employees by guaranteeing the right to working conditions that respect personal dignity.

No form of irregular employment is tolerated.

At the establishment of the employment relationship, each employee must receive accurate information regarding: characteristics of the function to which he or she belongs, responsibilities of his or her role and duties to be performed, normative and retributive elements, rules and procedures to be adopted in order to avoid conduct contrary to legal regulations and company policies. Personnel and collaborators must avoid engaging in or facilitating transactions

Code of Ethics

Tiesse's Code of Ethics protects and promotes the value and development of human resources, labor and corporate assets.