Tiesse SpA was awarded at the first first edition of the Camillo and Adriano Olivetti Award for the Innovative and Responsible Company, established by the Spille d’Oro Association with the aim of recognizing and enhancing the entrepreneurs of small and medium-sized directly to the figures of Camillo and Adriano Olivetti, they shared its approach, demonstrating commitment and originality in the creation of excellent products, sensitivity in internal relations and towards the territory, based on respect, transparency and collaboration.
The award
The Camillo and Adriano Olivetti award 2018
Seven companies were awarded during the presentation event that was held on Saturday 15 September 2018, at the Bioindustry Park Silvano Fumero where personalities from the institutional and industrial world gave their testimony, illustrating the contribution of SMEs to the development of the territory and to growth of social well-being.
“We strongly wanted this Award”, underlined the president David Olivetti, “thinking about the future of our Association. Our most important purpose is to maintain the memory of the Olivetti culture and our strength has always been guaranteed by the sense of belonging, commitment and the large number of associates. Today more than ever we must find paths that allow us to maintain the heritage of values of this tradition, favoring its diffusion to social subjects who can become its continuators. With this in mind, a recognition to those who do business in an innovative and responsible way, to entrepreneurs who have had the courage to stay and not relocate, taking away the work and the future of our new generations, seemed to us a significant initiative. “
The work of the Selection Committee, chaired by Roberto Ricci, lasted several months and made use of the collaboration of personalities with proven economic-financial and organizational competence, as well as experts in innovation processes.
The methodology used for the selection combined two types of analysis. An initial evaluation was determined by mixed income / equity indices, which provide the real state of the company, in particular through the analysis of the income statement, to highlight the ability to create income, and the balance sheet, an indicator of solidity. The results that emerged were then combined with qualitative parameters, and in particular: product / process innovativeness; architecture, image, services; rooting and integration with the territory; corporate welfare; environment and energy. The companies that entered the short list of finalists were finally subjected to an in-depth interview, which highlighted the positive performances that emerged in the analysis and study phase.
Spille D’Oro Olivetti Association – Via Monte Navale, 1, 10015 Ivrea (TO)
Tiesse S.p.A – Via Asti, 4, 10015 Ivrea (TO)