Tiesse congratulates the 14 female students who were awarded the STEM Scholarship on Monday 16 September: these girls, in their 4th year of studies at high schools and vocational training institutes, have distinguished themselves for their achievements in STEM subjects (mathematics, science, computer science, technology, physics, technical vocational subjects).
The girls will have the opportunity to follow technical vocational training and university studies in the STEM disciplines and to gain access to relevant career paths in the fields of innovation and technology.
Tiesse has chosen to give its contribution to this project because it strongly believes that it is fundamental to invest in young people and to valorise those who are passionately committed to their training, both in the Canavese (where Tiesse has its headquarters) and in the Italian context; the STEM Scholarship is an important opportunity to give the values linked to a more inclusive culture, skills and innovation the chance to become the basis of our future.
The ‘STEM scholarships’ are an initiative of the IDC Group and the ICT Group of Confindustria Canavese as part of the STEAMiamoci project (a national project of the associations of the Confindustria system) with the aim of supporting the careers of female students who are considered the most deserving and motivated to pursue technical-professional training and university studies in the STEM disciplines.
The initiative was also made possible thanks to the economic support of 19 member companies of Confindustria Canavese.