Smart metering, Tiesse routers for the second generation of meters

4 November 2021

From – Author: Paolo Anastasio

Some companies are in full installation phase, others have started the first pilots but what is certain is that the next two years will be fundamental for the massive replacements of meters.

L’Italia è da sempre all’avanguarItaly has always been at the forefront in the field of intelligent metering for the world of energy and was the first European country, in 2001, to implement the current smart metering system (defined as first generation 1G) well in advance compared to other European countries.

Starting from 2016, the first meters installed, which reached the end of their life, determined the need to plan a gradual evolutionary replacement, a need further strengthened by the obligations issued by the sector Authority. Energy distribution companies are therefore required to commission second generation electronic meters (type 2G) not only for the first generation limit switch but to comply with the provisions of the resolutions of ARERA (Regulatory Authority for Energy Networks and Environment) on the remote management of 2G electronic meters and the quality of service and performance of the sector.

It is estimated that by 2024 approximately 80% of those installed will be replaced with new 2G meters, followed by the rest. The replacement began in 2017 and is expected to end in 2031.

Read also: Smart metering and remote control, TIESSE on the 3G switch-off: ‘Our wireless devices ready for easy migration to 4G’

Second generation electric meters

Each distributor has therefore provided a plan for the commissioning of 2G meters, indicating the timing and methods for activating both the meters and the other components necessary to ensure the general operation of the new generation smart metering infrastructure.

The network operators (distributors) are the subjects who replace the old meters with the new smart 2G meters.

The replacement must take place in compliance with the Arera directive 87/2016/r/EEL as well as the fact that the Italian legislation provides for the gradual replacement of old meters that are reaching the expected limit of use every 15 years.

Advantages of 2G meters

The 2G meters allow a series of improvements, meanwhile a guarantee of greater coverage on data reading (they are equipped with backup channels) and above all they are equipped with a channel for communication with the end user for reading electricity consumption in real time. (data is updated every 15 minutes) through user devices that, connected to the electrical socket, allow you to read consumption.

This opens up innovative scenarios and better integration with renewables and lays the foundations for the creation of energy communities.

Next two years for mass migration meters

Some companies are in full installation phase, others have started the first pilots but what is certain is that the next two years will be fundamental for the massive replacements of meters. Within the new infrastructure, the task of the 2G meter is therefore to record consumption data and transmit them to a concentrator, which is located inside the medium to low voltage electricity transformer substations (secondary substations). . The concentrator is responsible for collecting data relating to a specific area of ​​the territory, for sending data to centralized systems on a periodic basis. Data transmission takes place, in many scenarios, over the LTE or UMTS mobile radio network thanks to Tiesse certified 4G routers, all with adequate levels of security and encryption.

Since the first generation of metering, Tiesse products have been selected and used by leading operators in the sector, the company has acquired a deep knowledge in this sector and also for the new second generation infrastructure, the LEVANTO series routers with 4G / 3G have been certified and used in the Italian market and in Latin America. Tiesse is therefore the reference partner for the connectivity of energy distributors called to implement the evolutionary challenge of the energy sector also with a view to sustainability.