Montefiori (Tiesse): “5G essential, but you need to get it into the business and you need the skills.”

10 December 2021

“There is a great expectation for 5G because, based on studies that have been done in recent months, the demand is growing and leads to the possibility of investing more, of having a moment of development that can embrace the whole country”, but there is still much to do: the intervention of the President of…

5G and businesses, a rapprochement is needed

“From the point of view of a technology provider, it seems to me that at this moment we are in an extremely interesting phase, of rupture, in terms of system change, thanks to the development of 5G, new networks and the accumulation of innovation and therefore of growth opportunities, which are certainly offered to everyone, it is a pity that there is no virtuous system that can deploy them and make them available to companies “.
This is what was declared by Fabrizia Montefiori, President of Tiesse, in her speech in the panel “Networks between technologies and architectures” at 5GItaly 2021, a conference organized by Cnit (National Inter-University Telecommunications Center) underway in Rome from 30 November to 2 December. “I think that 5G, along with other technologies, has been fundamental to reach this breaking point, but the time has come to eliminate monopolies, so they must be solutions that bring jobs, that are available to the business world and that bring development for various economic sectors of our company, ”said Montefiori.

Cloud and multi cloud, edge computing, new architectures, applications and digitalization of industries, now offer a different way to innovate and improve performance and results, and 5G will give us the opportunity to enable them in new sectors as well.

“There is great anticipation for 5G because, based on the studies that have been carried out in recent months, demand is growing and leads to the possibility of investing more, of having a moment of development that can embrace the whole country”, explained the president of Tiesse.

Skills and innovation: we need a relapse of opportunities on the territory

From the point of view of growth, Montefiori underlined, “the cloud and 5G also lead to the evolution of network technologies, which can drive a national economy, which is the objective of the PNRR, to relaunch growth, guarantee an industrial relapse, of skills on the territory, which are there, because the skills are in Italy, we have research and innovation centers that can challenge any international context, we miss this phase of relapse of advantages and opportunities“.

The last two years have taught us that both the pandemic and supply chain problems can lead to serious problems and obstacles to businesses, which is why we must necessarily seek a greater level of autonomy, also of choice and therefore of knowledge“, the President of Tiesse rightly recalled.

The big monopolies are paid for and for this we all have to buy abroad, not to mention that there is also the demand aspect, so we need to create a market context, without which investment is not created, which severely limits the autonomy of organizations“.

Accelerate on demand and investment

“We must give ourselves a profile of a country that invests – recalled the manager – which has a strong presence in the digital sector, in order to be also competitive in a market in which our demand becomes significant, because if we are not strong, on the demand side, then we are also weak in receiving the answers and this is a self-sustaining process ”.

Referring to the serious problem of supplies, Montefiori then stated: “The moment is interesting precisely because, when there are these disruptive situations, then, the most challenging aspects emerge. We have certainly learned one thing, that the divestment of certain industries has led to a situation of internal weakness, which is affected by the issue of procurement, because we have no negotiating skills, we do not have an industry that can easily look for alternatives. , we are absolutely helpless in the face of these situations“.

What we really lack – the President pointed out in conclusion – is an industry that is capable of fully exploiting advanced skills“.

5G Italy – a European Perspective. PNRR, Investimenti, Mercato, Research, Skills and Growth” is the title of the 4th edition of 5G Italy – The Global Meeting in Rome, which will be held in hybrid mode online on on site in the capital for three days: 30 November, 1 and 2 December 2021, at the Sala Capranichetta and the Crystal Room of the Hotel Nazionale in piazza di Monte Citorio. Participation in the room is allowed only by personal invitation by the organization.

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