Microlys S.p.A. and Tiesse S.p.A. renew their support to the Food Collection of the Food Bank Foundation Onlus in this year 2023.

20 November 2023
Tiesse e Microlys rinnovano anche nel 2023 l’iniziativa per la Colletta Alimentare

The Collect 2023 was just held throughout Italy, on Saturday, November 18 in more than 11,000 supermarkets.

Tiesse and Microlys say “We will try to give support by bringing our small contribution, to concretely help families in difficulty in the territory of Ivrea and Canavese (that is the area in the North-West of Piedmont region).

A “Collection Point” will be set up within the companies, and it will be active from 20 November to 4 December, where all employees can leave their contribute to the initiative.

For this 2023 the foodstuffs more necessary are

  • Milk
  • Biscuits
  • Sugar
  • Oil

At the end of the collection, the quantities of food donated by its employees to the Collection will be doubled by both companies.