On Key4Biz: IoT in Italy, the market is worth 5 billion. Smart Metering and Smart Asset Management leading sectors

17 April 2019

The Smart Metering and Smart Asset Management solutions for utilities are confirmed as the main IoT segment also for Tiesse, an Italian manufacturer that participated in the survey, fully in line with what was presented by the Internet of Things Observatory of the Polytechnic School of Management from Milan.

Author: Piero Boccellato – Original article link

Exactly 20 years have passed since the expression Internet of Things was coined, and the entire sector is healthier than ever.

In Italy, according to data from the Internet of Things Observatory Research of the School of Management of the Polytechnic of Milan presented this morning in Milan at the conference “Happy Birthday Internet (of Things), the market has reached the value of 5 billion euros in 2018, with a 35% increase compared to 2017.

Driven both by applications that exploit the “traditional” cellular connectivity (2.8 billion euros, + 27%), and those that use other communication technologies (2.2 billion, + 47%), the Observatory data show how the entire growth of the Italian market is in line with that of other western countries, where it fluctuates between + 25% and + 40%, driven above all by services enabled by connected objects that now cover 36% of the market, equal to at 1.8 billion euros and up 44% over the previous year.

The growth of the Italian IoT market will continue also in 2019, concentrated mainly in the Smart Metering, Smart Car, Smart Home and Industrial IoT segments.

In the coming months – explains the Observatory – another 4 million smart meters will be installed together with 5.8 million second-generation electricity meters. Furthermore, starting from the end of 2020, also the newly installed heat meters must be remotely manageable and from 2027 the obligation will concern all the meters in use.

Tiesse: ‘Smart Metering and Smart Asset Management segments still driving’
The Smart Metering and Smart Asset Management solutions for utilities are confirmed as the main segment of the Internet of Things also for Tiesse, the Italian IoT manufacturer that participated in the survey. Fully in line with what was presented by the Observatory, which estimates the value of this market’s solutions to over 1.4 billion in 2018 (+ 47%) compared to 980 million euro in 2017, resulting, with 28% of the total, in main IoT market.

Tiesse is a 100% Italian company, with sales offices and research and development centers in Ivrea, Avezzano, Rome and Turin, which since 1998 has been designing and manufacturing routers, network devices and M2M / IoT devices, able to compete in the global market of networking equipment, preserving investments and at the same time allowing an effective migration to the new generation access networks

Tiesse in this segment is driven by equipment with 3G / 4G connectivity for Large Customer Telemetering, Secondary Booth Remote Control and Electronic Meter Remote Management and remote monitoring, telemetry and monitoring of industrial assets also for predictive maintenance. Furthermore, in 2018 the Ivrea company launched some promising experiments also in the NB-IoT sector, especially in the smart building and smart energy sectors.