5G Italy 2021, Luciano Lucrezia (Tiesse): “We develop routers for 5G and ultra-broadband”

10 December 2021

The 4th edition of the 5GItaly – The Global Meeting in Rome 2021: below the words of Luciano Lucrezia, CTO of Tiesse, and at the bottom of the page, the video interview.

When asked “What is Tiesse’s position on 5G”, Luciano Lucrezia replies:

“I would like to quote the phrase of a famous programmer, Alan Key, a pioneer of computer science, who said -” If you love software, make your own hardware”, the same was quoted by Steve Jobs when he introduced the Iphone.

Tiesse, in the late 90s – early 2000s, had gathered a large group of software designers, who claimed to have software in their DNA and in particular the ones for networking; therefore, in compliance with this declaration, we decided to create the hardware for our products and so got involved in the telecommunications sector.

The hardware that we developed was peculiar, because we merged the concepts related to telecommunications with the ones related to information technology and this became the “precursor” of what we now know as SDN (Software Defined Network).

At the beginning it was not easy at all, because we proposed ourselves as hardware manufacturers being an Italian company and this generated a bit of mistrust on a terrain already full of obstacles: nevertheless we managed to grow and obtain several successes, managing to acquire credibility with almost everyone. telecommunications providers; this could happen thanks to the foresight of some customers who have believed in us since the beginning.

In these 20 years we have covered the entire telecommunications sector, from the first packet communication networks to 4G networks for mobile phones and optical fiber for fixed connections; obviously we cannot fail to be present in the 5G sector! Our intention is to develop a router that covers the issues of 5G and broadband networks in general. “